Monday, February 11, 2013

Do you experience limited jaw movement or locked jaw?

Limited jaw movement or locking jaw may feel like the lower jaw is catching when the jaw is opened. In some cases a person with a locked jaw must move the jaw to one side or the other in order to open the mouth wide. A person might also have to open the mouth until a popping sound is heard and felt, at which point the jaw unlocks.
Limited jaw movement or locking jaw is often a result of a "bad bite". When the bite is not aligned correctly it causes problems in the jaw joint, the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). The unaligned bite can result in locking jaw, clicking or popping in the jaw, and headaches.
Neuromuscular dentistry realigns the bite by measuring the jaw in its most relaxed position and then putting the jaw back into its natural position. In most cases this repositioning can be accomplished without braces or surgery.

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